Artwork views: 17194

Followers: 2

Following: 0

Score: 24650


A glitch in the system. Outlier in the data. Immune from dogmatism. Believer of freedom in its purest form (Including your freedom to be enslaved)

`Wanna do another musician drawing challenge? Your John Lennon one looked really cool!`

`Alright no problem, the John Lennon one isn't Challenge worthy though. Just uploaded it for fun.`

`Wanna do a person/portrait challenge?`

`Alright no problem, sorry about the late replies. I've been offline for a month`

`Hey do you wanna do another challenge? :)`

`Sure. WOuld like a theme for these challenges in the future, if you don't mind. Once I put up a drawing I can't use it anymore, so it would be better to have themed challenges :)`

`Up for a musicians challenge? I wanna try out this challenge thing :)`

`I'd love to!`

`I'm new to the site. Wanted to give this challenge thing a go. If you're interested, i'd like to Have a JOKER challenge :)`

`A version of the great Joker character`

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