Artwork views: 6157

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Score: 1410


I love to create an interplay between texture and color that invites the viewer to become more active through TOUCH! I also use scented water in much of my art, to add an olfactory appeal as well. :O>

`Texture on Gold`


`Hippie Flair -- Psychedelic, Dude!`

`:) easy rider`

`Christmas elf`

`Gone into the Light now :O<`

`Small squares`

`Hi ! This is the smallest squares I have. It is done on an 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. Who are you ?`

`Unexpected or crazy TEXTURE!`

`If you saw this painting in person , you would be amazed by how much texture and brilliant colors were used in this painting. As the saying goes, a camera never catches it all. `

`Elephant Amigurumi`

`Jaguar set :D`

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