Our DubiousHarmoious Corner

I am currently in the process of observational studying to attain a higher intellectual way of understanding the basic fundamentals of art. Its a lot of work, but I am very passionate about art and strive to understand all that I can without the need for any schools for the time being. This was a challenge that I thought I could achieve to show the world what great accomplishments can happen if you just apply some knowledge and determination to follow your dreams and live a happy meaningful life. So far nothing but improvement and knowledgeable success have sprouted from all the creations and projects within the last 2 years, but I realize I must start from "ground 0"...because it is the root source of applying any kind of mechanical way of thinking to art which will assist me further down the road for unlocking what I would call "intuitive creativity". I encourage anyone to give this a try if you seem like you are just as passionate about art and conceptual thinking than I am. Also feedback and or constructive criticism are always welcome. Thanks friends