Artwork views: 17313

Followers: 15

Following: 20

Score: 23130

Group LandScape


I'm a Dreamy Artist. I love to paint with Watercolors, Oils and Digitally. Landscape Lover.

`date a live`

`I'm dating this Beach !!!`


`my fav creation`

`page 3`

`Page 3 ????`

`Dodge Viper`

`Its a 1968 dodge charger with red stripes at tail`

`Shady clouds`

`this is about space and mars.`

`Beautiful White Cherry Blossom`

`love nature and silent soul.`

`Capture the Morning Sunrise.`


`Forest landscape `

`This is an Oil Painting of a man who walks through the forest in a beautiful morning`

`Watercolor landscape`

`This is a Watercolor Painting done by using BLACK Watercolor and some little dark brown paint. It is about a man fishing on an evening along the river side. `

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