Artwork views: 19519

Followers: 1

Following: 1

Score: 17290


Hey, just a simple hobbyist here. I love to merge fantasy elements with real models and while I mostly use pencils I also enjoy using water colors.


`Miss Terrious, a vigilante`

`Metaphor "Love"`

`C'est l'amour`

`Diablo 3`

`:) bloood`



`Opposites `

`Balanced opposites `


`The two natures of humanity, used the drawing in which the duality isn't as obvious but I think it embodies it perfectly. `

`Weaver of the mystic arts, a Wizard`

`My sugar skull face girl.`

`Lady of the Lake`

`Sugar skull lady of the lake.`

`Drawn Metaphore`

`Good luck:)`

`game character`

`It's actually two characters but I think it works :P`

`Man's torso`

`I fear there is a head and such stuff attached to the torso, but it'll do. :P`

`pencil portait`

`I thought I would have to draw a new picture.....oh well, guess one of the existing ones will have to do. :)`

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