Artwork views: 13834

Followers: 5

Following: 15

Score: 27030

Group Voters


I vary in different styles and types of media. I see art as a way to show people to look at life in a different way. It is a great gift to be an artist. It keeps getting better as time passes.

`Favorite Video Game sketches`

`Not necessarily my favorite game but it's up there.`

`For fun =) `

`Just for fun, I entered my favorite actor :)`


`he's cute`

`Wolves or Werewolves`

`Good Luck! ^^) This painting was my first oil work.`

`Gorila `

`Worth a try :)`

`Random Because nobody cares about subject anyway !!!`

`I hope you like dragons...`

`Random Because nobody cares about subject anyway !!!`

`Behold: My MOTHMAN!!!`



`Pretty but dark picture`

`Challenge accepted :)`


`"Here kitty, kitty!"`


`I don't know what I'm doing but hey, good luck to the both of us!`

`Favorite band (music)`

`If you don't know them, check them out. They are worth listening to.`


`Good luck`

`Wolf painting`

`Game On ! `


` Horse + Magic = Unicorn`

`Dragon Line Art`

`Before I see it, I'm guessing your dragon line art will look better than my dragon colored pencil art. It would be a shame if this was met with something not related to dragons at all. Also, do you like Igneel from Fairy Tail? `

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