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Hi, My name is Ang Hor Kheng and I'm a hobbyist comic style illustrator based in Ipoh, Malaysia, who draws just about anything. What you'll find here is my interpretation of the world around me, both real or imagined. I always try to keep my lines simple and tight. I do hope you all can find something you like in my page, and if my art can inspire you somehow, all the better. Just a little about me: I've been drawing since I was 3 years old (that was as far as I can remember it) mainly doing comic stuff like X-men or Avengers...Favourite artists include Jim Lee, Jae Lee, Al Williamson and John Buscema. I haven't got the privilege to enter a formal art school (my mum wants me to s.t.u.d.y...), so I'm basically self-taught; observing carefully the beauty of our universe and drawing inspirations from it. I occasionally dabble in watercolor and digital art too, but my main passion is still good old traditional art, which I believe to be the best way to hone our skills as artists.

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