
Artwork views: 9051

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Score: 12400


Hello everyone! My name is Anahid and I am a hobby Artist. What I draw? Dragons and other fantasy creatures with pencils or Photoshop. I draw since I was 4 years old and yeah now, I am here to show you the results of my style. I hope you like it! ^.^ See ya!

`Dragons! Dragons everywhere!`

`good luck`

`Pencil headshot of a dragon`

`Hello^^Time to challenge!`

`DRAGONS VS WOLVES What you say!?`

`ok. Lets do this!`

`Hey! Would you like to challenge? If you don't like it you can say no. It's ok^^`

`Let's do this!`

`Hey^^ Hast du Lust auf eine Challenge Keks?`

`He, coole Idee!`

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