Artwork views: 429

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Score: 480


Hello! I'm new to this wonderful website, and I have been trying my best to find an art website, where it is friendly, and helpful so I can learn to improve my artwork! I can't wait to start something new and fresh! I am very excited to show my work, and I can't wait for the helpful and friendly advice I will receive. My art may be a little rusty, since I have not drawn for a while. But I hope with that I will get wonderful critique's that will only help me strive to improve! Please be kind though, I can be a sensitive artist. ^^; I also love to write, I try my best to write poetry as well, and I love to do photography. (mainly I take photo's of flowers ). Until I learn about what I can submit on I am willing to give this art website a chance! I hope you enjoy my work! And I can't wait to get started!

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