
Artwork views: 15251

Followers: 10

Following: 22

Score: 12920

Group Anime club


➵ s-a-l-t-i ➵ nature ➵ whales ➵ Best Friendos: @SmolDoodler!! @j907 @PharmGirl96 @paraqueet @RadishCreates ➵ Icon: usagi ➵ 1 full salt shaker and 421 grains of salt!! ➵ featured: 4 times so far ➵ Art and Fan-Art ➵ Games ➵ Animations and Memes ➵ Toyhouse: toyhou.se/s-a-l-t-i ➵ Pixilart: www.pixilart.com/otter-pop ➵ Side Account: @p-e-p-p-e-r / @viscogurl

`Best drawing of yourself`

`Me and Old OCs`

`anime psychopath girl`

`who ever wins good match`



`Anime `


`Birth of evil`

`Birth of evil`

`war doctor`

`War patient`



`No game no life`

`No game no life`

`No game no life`

`no game no other time`

`DC `



`"what if I just fly"`

`Glamour girl`

`Here u go, but pls don't hate on it. I'm proud of it^^`

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