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`Miss Terrious, a vigilante`
`Don't know what this challange thing is really.. haha :)`
`Okay ahaha ;D`
`good luck`
`will be fun haha`
`My Little Pony OC`
`Here is my entry`
` expressive cat !`
`black and white photo`
`I hope this is good. `
`Birds `
`I see you are a worthy opponent. Would you like to dual for the fate of the universe?`
`Is not Finished, thanks! :D`
`Jewelry `
`Hi Good luck and have fun!`
`The two natures of humanity, used the drawing in which the duality isn't as obvious but I think it embodies it perfectly. `
`I'm ready`
`Boba Fett. Make your own version and pose.`
`You're welcome`
`Pencil `
`Good luck!`
`Flying insect`
`Good Luck!`
`Bearded man`
`I hope this is good enough`
`So tired !`