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Artist/Hobbyist/Traditional Art I am a busy mom, wife, and full time working professional in accounting. Begin to paint 2011 in May. I have been part of the Our Art Corner community sine Dec 2014 and truly believe that this is a very good artist’s network and everybody is nice and supportive. Please stop by my gallery when you have a chance and feel free to leave your comments or critiques, it would be greatly appreciated. I did not have any formal art school studies and training. My first acrylic on canvas was for my dear colleague and friend who was diagnosed with a terminal cancer back in May 2011. She was a cat lover and provided food and shelter for 30 plus cats at the time. It was so sad that she had to gave up those lovely cats due to her chemo and health condition. I painted four cats-a cat family for her, that was first time I tried acrylic on canvas. She lost her battle last July (2012). At her memorial service, her daughter approached to me and told me how much her mother loved my painting. I never realized it before that a piece of art can be a comforter and encouragement in other's life, and their life can inspire our heart deeply as well. I continue to paint since then. I feel life is a gift and we are so blessed that we can express our love and soul through painting in a positive way. DeviantArt:

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