Our Viperess! Corner

Wassup! I am a anime lover and a nature lover! I love to catch snakes, fish, and swim! (Snakes are awesome! Unlike Prussia!) I LOVE Hetalia (draw a circle, that's the earth!), Ouran Highschool Hostclub (Kiss! Kiss! Fall in love!), and ......Oh man, I can't think of a third favorite Anime. The rest are so good. :( But whatever! I have a hyperactive personality that would make even Italy from Hetalia a little dizzy! (The only thing I don't do is talk really fast. Seriously?!?!? How does Italy do it without jumbling words up like a knot???) As you can tell, I am a reptile lover! :D (My top favorite animals are Orcas, snakes and Eagles) I am also VERY patriotic! A good percentage of the stuff I draw relates to my born country! America! And...I will let you on a little secret...........I am the DRAGON OF THE U.S.A! Don't know me or recognize me? Well, if you made it this far into reading about me, I am a dragon with American Flag wings! :D And my name is AmericanBlackSerpent on Deviantart.com! :) And I am happy to join this wonderful art community! :D