Our LanceRedLion Corner

Yo! My names Lance, nice to meet ya indirectly of course. I am quite the artist. Meaning I love to draw, take pictures, and write. My favorite color is Red. I'm 15 years old. I'm about 5'5 with dark drown hair and eyes. My art style is normally in pencil but I do use markers and such. I rarly do anything on the computer related to art. I love music /from the 80s-90s/ Same time period for my taste in movies and clothing style. I'm a big nerd. Name it and I can probably spout off a few facts. Hmm... Anything else? Oh I'm pansexual and gender queer. Which means I will love anyone no matter what and I kinda go with whatever gender I'm feeling like from day to day. Mostly I'm in a boy mood but sometimes I feel a bit girly. I'm taken so unfortunately I'm off the market. Nah not unfortunately. I love my partner to death thank you. Anything else you can go ahead and ask darling.