More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure

Happy Holidays From The Parkers 2022
It’s that time of year again when I dish out a holiday Christmas card with my staring pupils and in this years card we have the Parkers around what would the holiday of 2003 in there timeline. For this piece I wanted to go for a sorta they captured Santa Claus look and as I was getting close to doing the background I decided to revisit an older concept. Putting the main imagine in a snow globe now it seems a little weird seeing as Santa’s suppose to be sitting in an armchair in the Parkers living room. The lighting was meant to be coming from their fireplaces but I think the snow globe idea works great plus it was fun tinkering around to make the glass sphere effect work. just like with last years I added the signatures of my characters I’ve tried to make them distinct from my own and have also started revamping my own well enjoy the last pieces of art from 2022.
Dolly Lolli Apr 4
great work
Doodle-For-Adventure Apr 23
thanks had a lot of fun conceptualizing this one
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