More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure

Sparklers And Fireworks Parker Sibling Fun
now ive done a fireworks themed drawing with the Parkers every year sinces 2016 but the goal is always the same how can i do these better. last year i had the problem of my characters looking to lanky this year ive striving to get back some of the pudge seen in previous years larger hands and feet smaller arms legs and body. as for this years theme with fireworks i thought why not have it be a neighborhood fireworks show like the neighbors are just shooting them off and of course Leela running around around her front yard with Madelyn and some sparklers. i blurred out Mason cause i wanted to do a foreground blur as well as a back ground blur. i also drew some people in the background but most got cropped out i choose to make this a 16 by 9 pieces well enjoy 2022
Grimmgall 4 Aug 2022
This is adorable!
Doodle-For-Adventure 4 Aug 2022
hehe thanks had quite some fun making this one
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