More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure

Spring Time Fun Mark and Leela
so here we have an idea that was based somewhat on a photo well i mean most of my drawing start from that. in this pieces we have my characters Mark and Leela there meant to be in a alley garden which is part of the flower shop Leelas mom owns. the building on the left is the backside of a book store and on the right is the flowers shop and a greenhouse. for Leela in this one i wanted to reservist an old look of hers that hasn't been seen sinces spring of 2018. the lighting is also interesting as i was going for an afternoon kinda look now the flower shops front faces southwest. sinces there in the back alley behind the flower shop theres not much sunlight to be had this same location can be seen in the backdrop of some previous projects. well enjoy 2022
Challenge: Doodle-For-Adventure VS AYUSH UPRETI
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