More artworks made by rodrigosebastian

Emma Watson 30-04-18
Portrait of the British actress Emma Watson. Finished on April 30th 2014. Pen: Bic Cristal, 1.0mm ballpoint, color black. Paper: Canson A4 96g/m2 Please visit my Facebook page and show it some love by givin' it a like and sharing with your friends! :) Rodrigo Sebastian ART deviantART -
pencil recreations 31 Jul 2018
superb and a beautiful likeness.. love the hair wisps...
rodrigosebastian 6 Jan 2019
Thank you!
CassandraLee2591 2 May 2018
Love the detail you did to her skin. She looks exactly like Emma! Great job!
rodrigosebastian 6 Jan 2019
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