Fine Art Digital Sketch 1. At the beginning of the painting process we need a good sketch. in the physical or digital medium doesn't matter. We should only remember everything will rest on it but it doesn't have to be be rigid or very tight from the start. Actually it's the opposite as adjustments are better to be made as we go along without stress. The trick is to stay loose while we make everything more precise one step at a time.
Khobe 23 Nov 2017
Very true, but my point for posting this was to show that I avoid starting with a complicated drawing. I draw as I paint, not carefully at first and build on the masses where the more complicated stuff will be integrated slowly and loosely as I go along. I tighten more seriously toward the very end so it looks effortless, elegant and refined. I'm still an apprentice to this masterly approach but I just love it.
Anonymous 23 Nov 2017
it's hard to comment on something until the artist has completed it....
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