
More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure


Leelas and friends super duper slumberparty

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2017-11-08


what do you suppose there talking about hmm boys like Mark or Harrison or even the Tucker Triplets aww i love how this one turned out. the items you see are two bottles of blue mountain cola the mason and Leela world version of coke a bowl of popcorn or chips it looks like it could be either. a teen cutie magazine just a parody of those teen girl mags you see at check out corners. some pictures of Leela and Mark you now they would be talking about him. Leelas radio is behind then listening to some cds of hers I guess. the best items is a cameo of some friends characters I imaging Leela and her friends maybe drew a little and who did they draw if you can tell Alex created by spice-twinkle-pop.deviantart.c… Nelly created by I thought it be fun to add some cameos in here well enjoy


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