More artworks made by rodrigosebastian


Maddie Ziegler 21-07-17

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-07-21


Portrait of the American dancer Maddie Ziegler. Finished on July 21st 2017. Pen: Bic Cristal, 1.0mm ballpoint, black. Paper: Canson A4 96g/m2 Please visit my Facebook page and show it some love by givin' it a like and sharing with your friends!


  • trevorp 21 Jul 2017

    Nice work - love the expression on the face :-)

    rodrigosebastian 22 Jul 2017

    Thank you!

  • Anonymous 21 Jul 2017

    Very good work. Nice shading and lines. Subject projects emotion which brings this piece to life. Love it. : )

    rodrigosebastian 22 Jul 2017

    Thanks for your comment!

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