More artworks made by xhuart


Zora Character Concept

By xhuart
Type: digital art Uploaded: 2017-04-10


Character Concept for a game. Living in the swampy outskirts of Louisiana, Zora is a voodoo witch doctor who gather rare herbs of the swamps to concoct useful remedies to sell in the bustling streets of Louisiana. She hates the city and its culture, which is why she lives in a secluded shack, but that is the only way she could pay for rent to her shack's owners (spirits who could not take a hint that they are dead, or not needing money, or needing to own anything). Now she is dealing with livid spirits hired by her landlords attacking Gris-Gris, as punishment for not paying her rent on time. Zora will do anything to protect her beloved partner, believing he will do the same for her one day.


  • marleann 11 Apr 2017

    This is wonderful because it's so expressive, which in my opinion is one of the most important parts of character design. With good design, I should be able to look at a character and have an idea of their personality, and this nails that.

  • Anonymous 10 Apr 2017

    nice concept!! voodoo witch looks perfect!!

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