More artworks made by Beudeltee

Ah. That moment when you have time to sit down and draw. Wonderful! On the Nude drawing sessions I noticed that I don´t like my way of sketching because it doesn´t give me the results that I want to. But yesterday one of my friends showed me his studies of animal skulls - and I liked his way to shape out forms. I knew that I found what I was searching for. So I tried today this method and can´t wait till I get used to it and draw more relaxed and loose.
Khobe 24 Nov 2016
It's a shame we don't get to read the whole text accompanying your sketch, which by the way is very expressive, kind of loose and funny at the same time. Your efforts are bringing you at another artistic level altogether, be patient with yourself and keep at it. Practice toward your goal, refine and simplify your approach_ in art time is your friend!
Beudeltee 24 Nov 2016
Thank you Khobe! :) Yes! Not being patient is one of my biggest weaknesses but I will keep working on myself. I am excited where my efforts will take me. You can´t read the Description? It should be visible. Maybe if you open my post from my profile and not from the friends post´s section.
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