More artworks made by didier1961



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2016-11-19




  • WoodyWelch 1 Aug 2017

    Love the twisted position of the dancer and the facial expression that let's us know she is in the throngs of pure joy.

    didier1961 2 Aug 2017

    thank you.......Woody.....;--)

  • guscarlet 5 Jan 2017

    Cool !!!

    didier1961 6 Jan 2017

    thank you............:--)

  • Khobe 22 Nov 2016

    Voilà qui fait voyager l'oeil vivement et joyeusement. Une scène de danse au trait nerveux et rythmé, on entend presque la musique.

    didier1961 22 Nov 2016

    merci mon Grand Khobe........ :=)

  • pencil recreations 21 Nov 2016

    Certainly excudes movement detail and colour ....nice one friend Didier

    didier1961 21 Nov 2016

    thank you sooo mutch

  • Anonymous 2 Apr 2017

    truly great I mean I like it.. ;P

    didier1961 2 Apr 2017

    thank you.......... ;---)

  • Anonymous 29 Mar 2017

    I found this creation to be rly great!.^^

    didier1961 30 Mar 2017


  • Anonymous 19 Nov 2016

    Great work! But I think you could have worked a little more in the shading on the shoulder.

    didier1961 19 Nov 2016

    thank you............. :---)

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