More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure

Banjo Kazooie Sketch
Banjo Kazooie perhaps The greats game Ive ever played or will ever play sadly they don't make video games like this any more which is one of the reason I quite playing modern video games or a least consoles based give me another n64 packaged with a Banjo like game and all will be good. so this is Banjo Kazooie a video game that was resealed when I was in per school I still remember playing this all the time back in 1997 and I still do anyways I deiced to depict them grabbing a jiggy pieces which were used to unlock worlds and I also made it look like they were in the 9th and final world Click Clock Woods a season based love and one that was challenging for me as a kid. below then you can see musical notes which were used to open the note doors 100 in each world blocking your path a red feather which were used for flying and a mumbo token which was currency you gave to the shaman mumbo jumbo he would then use his magic in this world that I drew then in to transform you into a bee. obviously this video game and its sequel mean a lot to me and I could spend hours talking about it but I won't so enjoy:) summer 2016
Challenge: snakedaemon VS Doodle-For-Adventure
Anonymous 6 Aug 2016
pretty cool
Doodle-For-Adventure 6 Aug 2016
Thanks had a lot of fun making it:)
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