Ballena puntillismo / Whale pointillism
¡Hola!, Me gustaría compartirles otro de mis dibujos en puntillismo, es una ballena, espero les agrade; también está disponible en Youtube como speed drawing por si gustan ver el proceso, les dejo el link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjQJ3YSFjAc
Crystal Jones 29 Jul 2016
Very beautiful work and colors ! I love it !!! =^-^=
gilbeto 30 Jul 2016
Thank you very much Crystal! :D :D :D
SML 26 Jun 2016
h-holy hell...how did you make this...its so fascinating o---o you made like.. asemi-realistic drawing..entirely out of dots....thats breathtaking .--.
gilbeto 27 Jun 2016
Thank you very very very much!! :D, Its really nice to hear that, it took me a lot of time because of the pointillism, also I recorded the process of drawing and is available on my Youtube channel "Dibujos Beto" (with other drawings, there is another drawing of pointillism there) where you can see it as a speed drawing :D, thank you again! :)
Hyperion-Blue-GT 21 Mar 2021
Amazing Artwork. :D
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