More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure

Home of Adventures Mark and Leela Treehouse
Ok so this is a drawing that depicts Mark and Leelas Space Fort Treehouse as it looked while they were in 5th grade sometime after Mark moved away in 1st grade Leela got these Idea and she told Mark this that she thougth it would be cool to expand the treehouse. However Mark felt there was no way they could he told her that tree is only so big. But she went ahead and tried anyway. And the results were pretty satisfying the main part that already existed remained the same however Leela built a spiral staircase that went from the blue front door previously unusable to a plat form she constructed halfway in the middle of the tree trunk on this plat form she had placed so cute star shaped chairs and a table so that on nice days they could sit outside and draw or write do homework whatever they love doing. Along the railings the red letters are meant to spell out adventure and in the tree she has carved out a drawing of her and Mark with the words home of explorers which is what they are. At the bottom of the stairwell you can see a circle with green and red on it plus some hand prints that is a time capsule Mark and Leela decied to burie shortly before Mark moved away at the end of first grade I will be drawing the time capsule cover in more depth another time. Theres also a little camp fire pit that she built as well now in the tree across from there treehouse you can see a building that says our little observatory Ive actually drawn that up and am planning on doing a digital of it what it basically is it’s an outside structure with a giant floor made like a hammock a place where they can watch the stars at night well enjoy 2016
Challenge: TWINS2 VS Doodle-For-Adventure
Anonymous 6 May 2016
Doodle-For-Adventure 6 May 2016
Really thanks I worked hard to make this Iam not the best with landscapes
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