
More artworks made by Khobe



By Khobe
Type: drawing Uploaded: 2016-04-08


Fine art graphite portrait sketch


  • Oscarlira 9 Apr 2016

    Amazing Khobe, Im wordless after seen The videos You share me but This is Awesome, i really admire of The fine art 2 things, how easy You can handle The contrast between ligth And shadows And The expresion That You get on The character, i have to learn a lot to reach This level, Thanks For sharing Your sketches, they help me a lot to My personal growth as artist

  • Khobe 9 Apr 2016

    Thanks a lot for your appreciative comment, I just hope what you see in my art inspires your own artwork somehow. I know that it's still my case when other artists' work touch my soul, it feeds my flame. Fine art teachings not only build our relationship to universal genius, but also keep our bond to the mysteries of higher harmony alive. It is frozen music to be played in the silent intimacy of our heart! I wish more would feel and take seriously this redeeming power of natural poetry to heal this present dystopic world, because it can...

  • FerryQueen 10 Apr 2016


    Khobe 11 Apr 2016

    Thank you very much for your appreciation of this gentle portrait of a friend.

  • Strovey 10 Apr 2016

    Great work again Khobe, you are very prolific, you must spend every spare moment drawing and painting.

    Khobe 10 Apr 2016

    Thank you very much for your comment, you perceive quite well so put on top of that music, studying, research and writing. If we're here for such a short life span, I'd rather put my whole where my heart is. It's only the best topographic conjugate of cost to quality I could find.

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