
More artworks made by Pandora555


moon city

Type: painting Uploaded: 2016-03-31


city of the moon

Challenge: Pandora555 VS JPW Artist


  • VR Wishes 1 Apr 2016

    Very well done, I like the colors and the shading.

  • Jeffmiller615 10 May 2016

    Shows great imagination and ability!

  • allstarrunner 4 Jan 2017

    nice, what medium is this?

    Pandora555 8 Jan 2017

    ty :) a4

  • rogerkr 15 Apr 2016

    Nicely done

  • WFMartin 1 Apr 2016

    You have used extraordinary color harmony in this piece.

  • ayame67 31 Mar 2016

    Gourgeous piece of art! Highly creative :3

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