More artworks made by VR Wishes

Tribal hand (Time lapse on YOUTUBE)
I did this kind of mindless drawing a lot in hig school and wanted to give it a new try ! I just drew my hand and doodled over with tribal ! I encourage you to do the same and send me the link to the image/video :) You can watch me draw in time lapse here :
Challenge: VR Wishes VS lovelyguentah
kitten_500 5 Mar 2016
This is so cool
dathie 5 Mar 2016
I really like this, the style is good! I suppose its being picky, but perhaps the reds and greens could be blended a bit better, and use slightly different hues ie. me red than orange or more blue than green as it would be opposite colours making it more bold) but thats just me :)
nononono 5 Mar 2016
This looks HAND DRAWN hahahahahahahahahahaha... Ha any way love your work.^^
lovelyguentah 4 Mar 2016
very creative!
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