More artworks made by ScarlettWolf24

My art, Do not steal, copy, or trace you may reblog, however do NOT remove my watermarks You do not have permission to use my Oc's unless you have asked and given credit ~ Old Oc! Tora is one of my older oc's I made last year and 13 days ago, I had a lot of fun drawing her again, and I added a line of orange fur going down her back as well. ~Here's some background I wrote for her last year: She's a mechanic. She lost her arm from a toska (anguished soul) during the blood war (war between shapeshifters and dragonshifters). She replaced it with a fake mechanical one herself. She's a good friend of Scarlett and helps her create weapons for the war at hand. She's very talented and kind-hearted, though harsh and awkward. She's strong spirited and not afraid to die. ~I made this piece entirely of prismacolor markers and an outlining pen. ~Any feedback is highly appreciated! ~If you have any questions feel free to ask! ~Reminder that you can reserve a commission slot from me now before I start them in summer! It is free of charge to place a reservation :) (message me or email me at If you'd like, support me on my other social media sites! Thank you ^w^ My deviantart: My furaffinity: My tumblr: My YouTube: My g+:
Justinnator4 3 Mar 2016
Sure. I can wait. I was in the middle of a few things anyway. We can make contact over deviantart over the summer. I'll keep the picture in a "want to draw" collection on DA so I don't forget. You'll probably see that notification.
Justinnator4 2 Mar 2016
Thanks for the recent favoriting. And she has a neat background. I wander if I'll get to see her mechanical arm. I'd even offer to draw it in an art trade.
Anonymous 1 Mar 2016
Anonymous 1 Mar 2016
looks cool
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