More artworks made by Mutantenfisch

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - Dovahkiin Artemis
I've just started playing that game with my Redguard warrioress and I am in love. The music is beautiful, the landscape breathtaking and the story thrilling as hell. I also felt like I could paint something again, so here she is. I am quite satisfied with her face but lost patience after painting the collar of her armour. Steel is such a tricky thing to paint right! Painted with GIMP 2.8.16 and a mouse.
Challenge: Justinnator4 VS Mutantenfisch
Jan Spicka 31 Mar 2016
Oh yeah, amazing game. I enjoyed it too.
Crystal Jones 28 Feb 2016
Good work.
SML 1 Jun 2016
your painting style is very pretty, what program do you use? o w o
Mutantenfisch 3 Jun 2016
Thanks a lot! As I've written in the description, I've used the newest version of GIMP. It's a free programme and to some extends similar to Photoshop.
Anonymous 26 Feb 2016
Anonymous 26 Feb 2016
It's good you started again and don't worry about stuff you're not happy with, don't give up keep trying. Some artists stop a particular work and then come back to it later, whilst doing other work in between. Keep at it.
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