Made it on A3 paper with HB pencil Tachikoma: So, will we be sent back to lab too? Batou: Wha...? Who's been telling you that? Tachikoma: Well, it's just that the way the Major's been looking at us lately is kinda scary. Batou: Oh, is that all? The major's always scary, remember? I think you guys are doing a fine job. Tachikoma: You really think so? Batou: What, you're still worried about that? Tachikoma: Yeah... It just seems like the Major is angry about what we've acquired recently. Batou: "Acquired"? Acquired what? Tachikoma: Well, it's ... Individuality. Batou: Individuality? Tachikoma: Yeah! And you know that "existence of God" thing that I had trouble understanding before? I think I am starting to understand it now. Maybe, just maybe, it's a concept that's similar to a zero in mathematics. In other words, it's a symbol that denies the absence of meaning, the meaning that's necessitated by the delineation of one system from another. In analog, that's God. In digital, it's zero. what do you think? Also, our basic construction is digital, right? So for the time being, no matter how much data we accumulate, we'll never have a Ghost. But analog-based people like you, Batou-san, no matter how many digital components you add through cyberization or prosthetics, your Ghost will never be damaged. Plus, you can even die 'cause you've got a Ghost. You're so lucky. Tell me, what's it feel like to have a Ghost? Batou: How's it feel...? No, I take back what I said earlier. You're pretty messed up, all right.
Justinnator4 19 Jan 2016
I love these. I wander if the main cannon is facing to the side.
kitten_500 17 Jan 2016
Not bad
Jacorien.T 17 Jan 2016
nice shading
TradArt&More 17 Jan 2016
Nice shading
Anonymous 17 Jan 2016
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