More artworks made by Oscarlira


Joy (final)

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2016-01-10


Drawing made with pens


  • hubert perron 10 Jan 2016

    superb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Khobe 10 Jan 2016

    Drawing with ballpoint pens is a risky proposition specially when there isn't a preparatory sketch under, I know because I did that for years and years of practice. It's like watercolor in a way, if you mess it up you have to start over. I think this is good up to a point but shouldn't be exclusive, practicing in conjunction (not necessarily on the same work) with more forgiving mediums to loosen up the drawing gesture is as mandatory. We have a beautiful execution here.

  • guscarlet 10 Jan 2016

    Thumbs up!!!

  • coldnessInside 10 Jan 2016

    Her head is good. Your coloring is very neat, love it. Her hand needs more attention because it is small for her body and does not complement her detailed expression. Keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous 10 Jan 2016

    Nice work.

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