Yet another pen portrait for my sketchbook grade.
Challenge: Ushbus VS Pandora555
Oscarlira 18 Dec 2015
Crazy drawing
Justinnator4 17 Dec 2015
He certainly looks like a wizard.
JPW Artist 17 Nov 2016
Some good drawing techniques and great use of tone and value but the eyes are wrong. Try using guidelines or grid to get your eyes spot on.
Ushbus 17 Nov 2016
Thanks, the eyes are purposely distorted for a new dramatic expression and his head is tilted slightly. I might of messed up when I drew it, it was almost a year ago so I don't remember haha. I avoid using any sort of grids or pencils/pre-sketches and go to straight to pen on paper. It forces me to focus more on detail and placement, and it's also very helpful to learn how to make something good out of your mistakes. It's a really fun way to draw but it's very tedious, I can tell you that.
Wingedog 21 Dec 2015
I love the expression and his beard. Do you read Terry Pratchett at all?
Anonymous 17 Dec 2015
The face looks a tiny distorted. Maybe, next time, try to look at references on heads turning to the side, but not all the way.
Vassaline 17 Dec 2015
Very good
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