
More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure


2015 A Beautiful Day With My Best Friend Mark and

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-11-21


This is an idea Ive had for a while now so I figured why not redraw the hay ride drawing I did this time last year I of course wasn't pleased with how it turned out so I deiced to give it another whirl. and I must say this years drawing is even better then than last years just talking about the part where there eating apples. it was almost going to be a clone of the original but I deiced to change things up a bit and I like how things turned out theirs a lot more color and or life to this one. the quote I came up with was a bit tricky because I feel like Iam running out of quotes that describe my characters in the seconded half of the drawing I made it look like they were carrying pumpkins back to the carriage well enjoy fall 2015


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