
More artworks made by Khobe


Eagle Fan

By Khobe
Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-11-18


Watercolor powow dancer


  • Oscarlira 20 Nov 2015

    I cant describe with words how Beautiful this painting is, your atention to details is so outstanding, i really admire the way you place all ítems in place and the color combination is perfect , congrats for this Great work

  • Nate77 25 Oct 2017

    This is so very well done, the detail is superb and the colours are amazing, very well done!

    Khobe 26 Oct 2017

    Thanks, dancers are a real inspiration for me and a great subject to tackle because my goal is to give the feel of the dancing.

  • Khobe 21 Nov 2015

    Your comments are really appreciated, in fact I owe it all to the great subject that are these dancers. They are the ones who make their regalia so beautiful. The traditional dancers are a an extraordinary treat for the eyes of a painter.

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