More artworks made by Graphiteartist



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2015-10-20


In a departure from my usual subject matter, I have instead decided to explore the realm of surrealism with this concept piece. I have long been fascinated with the suspension of disbelief, where something is out place within the seemingly normal world. It is inherently unsettling when you realize that all is not as it seems, or that something is defying natural physical laws. This picture has been directly influenced by imagery from the video clip “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails as well elements from the “American Horror Story” television show. Other inspirations have come from David Lynch, the artwork of M.C. Escher and, more recently, the hyper-realist art of Jeremy Geddes. This scene shows a man levitating above the floor in an empty room. He appears to be in a trance-like state although it is not known if this is a deliberate act or against his will. It is also not known where he is or how he came to be there. In many ways it is like a dream; you can interpret it any way you want

Challenge: Justinnator4 VS Graphiteartist


  • REDtr 25 Oct 2015

    I would love to see the next one :)

  • REDtr 21 Oct 2015

    outstanding work my friend !. very clean details. I love how you portray this

  • Justinnator4 6 Dec 2015

    Thanks for meeting the challenge well. Surrealism is a very close concept. Also congratulations, your pencil work is clearly superior.

  • BERLIAN 22 Oct 2015


  • ScarlettWolf24 1 Sep 2016

    Amazing job!! The shading is absolutely gorgeous!! It is truly stunning!

  • Melancholia 21 Oct 2015

    This is a great piece of art. Interesting and eye catching, not to mention well drawn. Clean. Simple. Very effective. Really outstanding work.

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