
More artworks made by hgardin


Unfinished Watercolour of a Dog

By hgardin
Type: painting Uploaded: 2015-10-13


www.hughgardiner.daportfolio.com Here is a challenge for all of us. One of the reasons I prefer this art site over some others is how they have constructed it to really encourage artists to offer comments to each other. This not only benefits the artist receiving the comment, but also the one making the comments. By writing out the things that you notice in a piece of artwork, you reinforce your own understanding of design and artistic principles. I would really encourage people to take advantage of this. Instead of just saying, "that's good", write down what it is that appealed to you. Were the colour combinations striking, was the rendering of the subject realistic, was the composition dynamic, did it elicit a mood or feeling, and how did it do that? To get us started, here are some links to art terms and descriptive words: http://www.moma.org/learn/moma_learning/glossary http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/word-lists/list-of-descriptive-words-to-critique-art.html https://prezi.com/ejvzcrcxgfwg/ideas-concepts-in-art-design/


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