More artworks made by terrycurley

Red Vase with Daisies
"Red Vase with Daisies" oil canvas on 12x16 canvas board.
Challenge: terrycurley VS Don Art
Don Art 5 Oct 2015
very nice..
Cyanide4312 18 Feb 2016
Beautiful colors and textures!
blank 13 May 2016
Gorgeous! Beautiful work and textures. I love the colours. The bottom of the vase is rather flat and therefore brings the piece to a rather 2D feel).
ScarlettWolf24 2 Mar 2016
Beautiful textures on the flowers. The vase has a lovely depth and shade to it, its simple but very pleasing to the eye. The background is very well blended, I love the color scheme. The yellow areas on the flowers are the only thing am I slightly confused by, I do not understand where that color would originate from. However, the centers of each flower as well as the stems are very well made and it makes for a gorgeous painting. Great job!
lenjaminbang 22 Nov 2015
The picture's - I think - a bit blurred. But whatever, it's about the drawing, and the drawing's perfect! I love how you made the colors reflect on the shadow and the flowers and how the light reflects on the vase! Also I love the colors itself... 10/10 :)
animecruise 11 Oct 2015
Awesome painting.( I always had an admiration for traditional painting on canvas since ive never really delved into the medium). Love your choice of color palate. It gives the painting a warm feeling to it. The technical renderings of the flowers, vase, and shadow are really well done too. One thing I'm trying to figure out are the yellow areas on some of the flowers, maybe it's reflective light? But overall very nice painting!
Rodaina 1 Oct 2015
nice work
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