Iron giant
Digital robot (First try of a digital paint. Tools : smartphone Xperia Z1 5" , universal stilus, Autodesk sketch program and a little photoshop ). Many times in a row i've tried to draw using a bamboo tablet, it seems that i can't draw if i can't see where i put the pen. I really can't draw digitally when my hand is down and my eyes are on the monitor. Don't know why! It seems that with an smartphone or a tablet it works... somehow !!
terrycurley 15 Sep 2015
Good picture.
Erviel 19 Sep 2015
WAT, mobile phone, rly? WOW, it's fantastic!
Anonymous 15 Sep 2015
Looks nice
KseniaSh 15 Sep 2015
one of my favorite cartoons! :D
Art is life 15 Sep 2015
So nice. Sky rocks
KhayalGhorban 15 Sep 2015
Looks quite good :)
Anonymous 15 Sep 2015
Really don't get digital art so hard to critique. Looks decent enough.
Senpouki 15 Sep 2015
I like the top of the draw and the robot but I have difficulties with the trees
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