More artworks made by Crossoverdude
Alter Ego
So here we got the finished version! This is a school drawing: The exercise was about drawing our second personality meaning we had to draw us in a way we like, in the way we see us. XD this is not precicelly the way i see me but i just had to make myself as a cyborg hahaha OuO its my first actual painting with acrylic paint. And its sooooo time taking =o= but it was a lot of fun to make OuO so no worries!
czmanga 10 Sep 2015
Nice work !
Justinnator4 10 Sep 2015
Sounds good hat you had fun, and hat looks like a unique mask.
Anonymous 23 Sep 2015
nice job)
mistyeye2015 11 Sep 2015
Love this, the colours are great and the mask is amazing. Can't believe you say it's a first attempt with acrylic paint. Great job.
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