More artworks made by sunflower
Challenge: sunflower VS caratulion
flecks 3 Sep 2015
Beautiful painting my only criticism is that the skin tones don't have a lot of depth. Where as the clothing has lights and darks and values, the skin kinda just falls flat. Beautiful technique and the brush strokes are lovely!
einsteinsdog 8 Sep 2015
Wasn't Fyodor himself rather dark? Actually my dark comment was purely statistical. It has been over twenty years since I've heard his name mentioned by other than my wife or myself. Admittedly, I live in a part of the world that thinks The Christmas Carol was written by Walt Disney and who vaguely remembers Adolf Hitler as some bad guy in a war somewhere, so perhaps my viewoints are skewed. So, nonetheless, I am happy to see him pop up, and when I walk past his section on my shelves, I can tell him that he's got some friends. One happy thought: no matter how hard we try, I don't think we can exhaust the great literature in our lifetimes. Going to have to learn Hindi one of these days....
einsteinsdog 7 Sep 2015
I love this! It's so nice to know somebody else even knows his name anymore.
XML 5 Sep 2015
Like the style; it sort of reminds me of those 19th century paintings.
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