More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure
Leelas Bedroom View From Door
This is a drawing I did of what Leelas bedroom looks like it shares similar traits with the original drawing but I felt her room needed a redraw. the bed and star light and radio are the same and most of the colors are the same as well. she has alcove window that she can sit in which over looks the backyard. sitting on top of her dresser is her rabbit nibbles if you can tell he taking a little nap. I thougth it would be cute if she had tide to the top of the cage a little balloon that said my cutie nibbles. over on the bookshelf there are books most of wich are the same ones you can fin in the treehouse interior drawing. the two picture frames feature old drawings in them well enjoy summer 2015
Oscarlira 1 Sep 2015
Id like a room like that for my daugther
HeartofWanderlust 30 Sep 2015
Really cute, starry room! One-point perspective would have helped, but it's still a really excellent drawing. I love concept art! <3 I'm kind of obsessed. That aside, what if you did a day and night version. I can imagine it already decked out in glow stars!
Anonymous 6 Sep 2015
we are looking forward to leelas bedroom view from the bathroom
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