More artworks made by guscarlet

Bridge, water and the house
Watercolor 11x15
Ewa 18 Dec 2015
hgardin 27 Jul 2015
You have really captured the texture and motion of the water. The texture of the stone walls really comes through as well. It must have been a lot of work doing so many individual stones like that. For some reason the colour of the sun reflected in the trees seems odd to me. It just seems too close to the colour of the walls of the building on the left. Perhaps the building is that colour because it is reflecting that light? The reflection of that colour in the water, however, is very well done.
Jeanpooh 26 Jul 2015
Excellent work such fine details
Kimmie66 26 Jul 2015
O.O this is awesome i wish i could do stuff like this. <3 <3
Sukiedreams 25 Jul 2015
I love the colors
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