More artworks made by Mark Duffy

Watercolours on Gessoed Canvas...The media and everyday life is full to capacity of ill will stories, heinous acts of rape and torture to women. However seldom do we hear of the violations to men. No less important in their impact on the individuals, but less spoken of or brought into the light. How many suffer in silence, their colourful identities fading like the vibrancy from rewashed clothes sitting in silent abnegation, hoping for it all to be a feeling of unreality, an hallucination, a bad dream.
blvckink 23 Aug 2015
gosh :o nice work and nice message
Don Art 24 Sep 2015
Doodle-For-Adventure 28 Jul 2015
Songquill 11 Oct 2015
Amazing message, I really do wish it was more acceptable to let every voice be heard in regards to their pains or struggles.
Merlina 13 Aug 2015
I work in a sports betting over six years and gone through a lot of bad things by masculine, four armed robberies for which I tremble because we do not have adequate protection by between employers, not to mention the contempt and respect me as women, because so often say that our job is cook and clean, and comes to the psychological harassment which is why I was forced to call the police every time.Women are in part fought for the rights but to us it is still a lot of baggage with which we must fight every day, men may suffer and need to talk about it but women suffer more.But least i have learned through this job about myself and how to say no, no more of abuse of mental,no more suffer bad actions of others.Sorry for my Eng.
osmanthusette 25 Jul 2015
wow,this is dark!
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