More artworks made by didier1961



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-07-20




  • Jan Spicka 24 Sep 2015

    good work

  • sunflower 28 Aug 2015

    wow, i like the way he looks at me:)

  • Ridwan Ridun 26 Mar 2016

    great work!

  • didier1961 24 Sep 2015

    thank you :-)

  • Anonymous 30 Mar 2017

    Rly cool artwork (:

    didier1961 30 Mar 2017


  • ScarlettWolf24 2 Mar 2016

    Very lovely job, however I would suggest not using a blur tool on the shoulder and hat. A crisp image probably would have been the most pleasing to the eye. But nonetheless the face is really well done. Good job

  • Anonymous 3 Jan 2016

    Nice work!

  • didier1961 28 Aug 2015


  • didier1961 22 Jul 2015

    yes.....and thank's

  • JayKid 22 Jul 2015

    50 centttt this dope

  • didier1961 20 Jul 2015

    thank you

  • RedFang 20 Jul 2015

    Awsome work! Keep up (;

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