More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure

2014 Happy Autumn from Mason and Leela
Autumn my favorite time of the year as well as Mason and Leelas to. what can't you love about the fall the colors the smell Halloween Leela look forward to it every year the leave falling. Mason and Leela love spending time out side in the fall they tend to be very active in this season more then any other. here we see a young Mason and Leela she would be about 3 her and Mason is 8 he love spending time with Leela teaching her all sort of cool things and he always will make time with her how can you say no to that face. this drawing was quite fun to do I really enjoyed working on it the pose and background were work from the same photo the wooded fence was another photo and the butterflies were worked from previous drawings this one was a bit tricky but fun to make well enjoy 2014 Mason and Leela Belong to me
blvckink 7 Jul 2015
very nice work :D i love the autumn scenery!
hubert perron 20 Sep 2015
nicely done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WhiteFox 21 Oct 2015
Nice use of depth cues: the background doesn't have any outlines or black, and lower saturation colors. A couple of the butterflies have heavier lines, bringing them closer, and some of the leaves in the foreground are sharply defined. Lots of depth, with nary a vanishing point in sight. X3
Ivory Noir 30 Oct 2015
Very cute
Dreamcatcher7 16 Aug 2015
Very cute!
FaerieWarrior 27 Jul 2015
i like the colors =3
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