More artworks made by didier1961


Nate Dogg

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-06-27


  • Don Art 2 Nov 2015


  • xpector 29 Mar 2016

    nice piece of art!

  • didier1961 2 Nov 2015


  • Doodle-For-Adventure 23 Aug 2015

    Really cool:)

  • didier1961 23 Aug 2015


  • didier1961 22 Aug 2015


  • KhayalGhorban 22 Aug 2015

    Nice work :)

  • BernardinHatesMath 22 Aug 2015


  • didier1961 30 Jul 2015

    thank you

  • JERRICK JONES 30 Jul 2015

    nice very good work!

  • didier1961 27 Jun 2015

    thanks for your support.... i made this 1 year ago.....

  • Photobones 27 Jun 2015

    I don't understand people... this had only garnered 2½ stars when I arrived. This isn't easy work, even with the help of a digitizing pad. You did a great job, and while I don't know what the guy really looks like, I'm convinced by your skill that you've captured him accurately here. I suppose I could give this one star because, on the whole, I don't care for black (or white, or Asian, or...) rappers, but the star system isn't supposed to be representative of what you think about the subject, but rather for how the subject was portrayed by the artist. Ugh, rant over!

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