More artworks made by Starrbar


Magic Changers

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-06-27


The one on the right is Nossy Flinger, my first original character ever. The one on the left is a brand new character design that I cooked up in my head earlier while half-asleep lol. I decided to make her one of his species, which I named "Magic Changers" when I was little, so that's what I think of them as. Maybe that's just what they call themselves because they don't do science or something xD. I'm still not entirely sure what I will do with Nossy, but he was supposed to have a huge, epic story. 8D We'll see. Any name ideas for the girl in the left? :3 Also yes, I know their arms are messed up lol. I have a head-canon that she just literally has long arms. xD


  • blvckink 17 Aug 2015

    nicely done :) keep it up :p

  • ScarlettWolf24 28 Jun 2015

    I like the overall look, but the legs and feet could be improved, as well as the lines, but either way, great job!

  • einsteinsdog 27 Jun 2015

    The girl seems sassy and competent, so I'm thinking Nadya Wishbringer, after my daughter of similar stamp, and Wishbringer for, if on her good side, nice things happen, or if on her bad side, you wish you'd never been born. These characters are very graceful and pleasant to look at.

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